Excellent article on French surveys. Don't forget the new DPE regulations are in force from 1st Jan 2011.
A structural survey, however, is not obligatory, and my advice to buyers is to employ a surveyor/construction expert (maître d'oeuvre en bâtiment) or architect (architecte), particularly for properties which are no longer covered by the original 10-year construction guarantee (garantie décenniale).
If you prefer to deal with an English-speaking professional check out the The Riviera A-Z directory or visit its website at: www.riviera-a-z.com or you can try www.riviera.angloinfo.com.
Note that an expert immobilier is not necessarily a qualified surveyor; their speciality is property valuation.
The dossier diagnostic technique assembles all the required certificates and reports that the seller has to produce:
Asbestos report
Amiante (asbestos) report concerns all properties for which the building permit was issued before 1st of July 1997, and indicates the presence or not of asbestos in the materials used to construct the building. Asbestos has been banned in building work since that date. The seller should ensure asbestos is removed or thoroughly covered. Note that reports issued since 2002 are valid indefinitely.
Habitable area
Carrez's law (Loi Carrez) applies to all apartments and housing estate properties and gives a property's overall net habitable surface (correct to within 5 per cent) in square metres. The measurement is valid indefinitely, provided that no modifications have been made to the property.
The electrics
Diagnostic électricité (electrical installation report). This is an inspection report, valid for three years, for installations over 15 years old and advises on any work required to bring them up to a satisfactory safety standard. It can be grounds for negotiating a lower purchase price, as the seller is not obliged to have to undertake any work required.
Energy efficiency
Diagnostic énérgétique (DPE) (energy performance) report is valid for ten years and it concerns all properties. This report will indicate on an A (economic) to G (wasteful) scale how efficient the energy system is for heating and producing hot water. The average French home is in E classification with an energy consumption rating between 231 and 330kWhEP per square metre a year.
Gas matters
Diagnostic gaz (gas installation report) is for valid three years. This concerns permanently installed gas systems which are over 15 years old, even if they are no longer used.
Safety aspects of the system are inspected, indicating if any urgent measures need to be taken. Gas can be cut off if the reporting technician considers there is immediate danger.
Natural hazards
Etat de risques naturels et technologiques (ERNT) is a very useful benchmark. The report covers natural and technological risks, including the likelihood of floods, potential pollution, landslips etc. In short risks in any officially classified risk area (zone à risque). It is valid for six months and is based on past and possible disasters.
It’s advisable to also avoid any properties that are below sea level or located in low-lying areas near rivers, even if they have not been declared a zone à risque.
Lead contamination
A plomb (lead) report (constat de risqué d'exposition au plomb - CREP) concerns all properties built before the 1st of January 1949 and indicates whether or not there is a risk of lead poisoning from lead-content paint or any other elements that may contain lead.
If there is a risk, the seller must either repaint (all paints are now lead-free) over lead-content paint, strip off all lead-content paint or remove any lead material. A report which indicates that there is a lead-poisoning risk is valid for one year.
A termite (termite) report is valid for six months and is necessary for parts of the Alpes-Maritimes and Var départements. The local town hall or prefecture will advise you if your area is affected.
If the presence of termites is detected on the property, treatment or eradication must be effected within six months and therefore may become the buyer's responsibility, as property sales are now usually completed quickly, within three months.
Septic tank certificate
From 2011, properties for sale that only have a septic tank (fosse septique) as possible means of domestic drainage must also produce a certificate established by the local authority showing that the system is up to the required standard.